The Unakite Chrome extension is designed to help developers organize information forgaged from the web so that they can make better-informed programming decisions.
You can use Unakite's light-weight clipping tool to quickly snip any information into a sidebar. You can then start organizing the information into a comparison table directly in the sidebar. After you make a decision, you can get a sharable link to the table and the snippets and embed it in your code or share it with your friends or colleagues.
Unakite stands for Users Need Accelerators for Knowledge for Implementations in Technology Environments. And unakite is a semiprecious gemstone.
The Chrome extension is currently in the development stage as a part of the Natural Programming Project as well as the Knowledge Accelerator Project.
Team members: Michael Xieyang Liu, Jane Hsieh, Nathan Hahn, Cynthia Taylor, Brad Myers, and Niki Kittur.
The Natural Programming Project has been funded in part by the National Science Foundation (under the grant CCF-1814826) and in part by Google (under two Faculty research awards), Bosch, and the CMU Center for Knowledge Acceleration.